Hey There
Oh my goodness, where to start? Well, my name is Sam. I live just outside the beautiful Norfolk city of Norwich. I am married with 2 kids (referred to as Mr Wolf, the Wolfling and the Cub) and my extra-special helper, the Lady Marishka, A delicate creature who loved head rubs and chewing yarn.
All About Me
I am a complete craft addict, I am currently utterly obsessed with spinning since Mr Wolf gave me a spinning wheel for Christmas. That has been an amazing journey and I will be writing about "Jenny", as she is now called, and my adventures in spinning in my blog.As well as spinining my own yarn I am an avid knitter and crocheter and I love to create my own designs as well as knit other great designers patterns.I teach knitting in partnership with Norfolk County Council, so keep an eye on these pages for news on beginners classes online an in your area.Oh, I also make jewellery. This was where my craft obsession got a bit out of control and I started to sell the outpourings of my creativity. That was about 20 years ago and I'm afraid poor Mr Wolf hasn't had any respite from my incessant making. Creativity and crafting are an important part of my own self care, knitting especially is a great meditative practice for me and is a great stress reliever (unless I'm having trouble with my cables, then all bets are off and yarn flies). I'm a big advocate for finding your calming practices and hope to be able to help people discover what knitting, or other craft takes them to that calm place at the centre of their being.This is a collecting place for my creative brand. A place to share what I have been doing and to get into a little more detail with some of the things I share on my Social Media streams as well as share my patterns and teaching.So grab a cuppa (or something a little stronger) and settle in......With all love and best wishes, Sam x